Tis the season to minimize your risk of burglaries

December 13, 2012 - Front Section

Laura Rickman, Albert Risk Management

Holidays are a time for relaxing with family and friends. Unfortunately, it is also the time of year when criminals shift into high gear as evidenced by an increase in burglaries during the holiday season. Here are a few suggestions on how you can minimize your risk by making your business appear less attractive to criminals:
* Control access to the building by ensuring that all door, window and gate locks are engaged and functioning properly.
* Ensure alarms and lighting are all operating properly.
* Maintain adequate levels of illumination for all points of property access, exterior storage areas and parking lots. Adequate lighting is the number one deterrent to criminals.
* Designate someone to perform random checks of the property at various times over the holidays. Be sure to advise all employees that if they see suspicious activity or encounter a criminal, they should not try to be a hero and should just call the police.
* Communicate with local law enforcement. Make sure they are aware of any closures, extended hours of operation or increased risks that may impact your business during the holidays.
* Be a good neighbor. Open an ongoing dialogue with neighboring businesses, especially those that will be open during the holidays; raise their awareness to holiday crime risks so that suspicious activity is recognized and reported.
* Provide local law enforcement and your neighbors, your emergency contact information.
Our best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!
Laura Rickman, ARM, is a senior consultant at Albert Risk Management, Needham, Mass.


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