’Tis the season...the holidays are upon us again! - by Ron Goodin

November 20, 2015 - Connecticut
Ron Goodin, BOMA Greater Hartford Ron Goodin, BOMA Greater Hartford

This time of year means many different things within the real estate and building management industry. First and foremost is hopefully spending time with your family. Just like going on vacation, the weeks leading up to the holidays is always a flurry of activity. Many managers have just gotten their yearly budgets or are finalizing them, if their fiscal year begins in January.

It’s also time to get the decorations out of the closet or basement, which might include other items so the display is “politically correct.” If you’re lucky enough to be engaged in a large project, hopefully you’ve managed to get things weathertight...even though it’s been a warmer than usual fall season. It’s no fun to be worrying about frozen foundations, or trying to install a masonry wall in sub-freezing temperatures. Winter conditions cost in construction can really hurt your budget. If your completion deadline is anywhere near the holidays, you become well aware of decreased efficiency brought on by eggnog this time of year.

On the social front, your BOMA Hartford hosted a joyous honoree and awards dinner last month. We enjoyed hearing from the owners and managers of the new downtown baseball team and stadium. Dunkin’ Donuts Park and the Yard Goats team will be ready for the spring opening pitch in early April 2016. BOMA Hartford is planning a tour of the new stadium, and if you’re traveling on I91 in Hartford, you can see its construction from the highway.

Additionally, we had many long-time members join us at the dinner, and gave them commemorative pins for over 20 years of service. We thank them for their continued commitment to the Hartford BOMA family.

As the holiday season swings into full speed, we will of course host our annual party on December 3rd at City Steam Brewery on Main St. Please remember to bring a new gift for the annual Toys for Tots campaign. The more the merrier!

Please have an enjoyable season. Take a moment for yourself once in a while. In fact, try to take some time off and enjoy the family.

Ron Goodin is the president of BOMA Greater Hartford, and is with Fletcher Thompson Architects, Hartford, Conn.



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