Tom Kravitz 2012

August 09, 2012 - Rhode Island

Tom Kravitz, Town of Burrillville

Name: Tom Kravitz
Title: Planning & Economic Development Coordinator
Company: Town of Burrillville
Location: Burrillville, RI
Birthplace: Providence
Family: Wife Darya and first baby on the way (ETA October 18)
College: Undergrad (Earth Science Meteorology) at California U of PA, Graduate (Environmental Planning and Land Use) URI
First job unrelated to your current field: Newport Concrete Form Co.
First job in current field: Town of Burrillville
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Continue to provide timely and effective public service.
Hobbies: Snowboarding, mountain biking, basketball
Favorite novel: I really don't read novels. I do read scholarly stuff and am currently on our library wait list for "What Money Can't Buy," by Michael Sandel
Favorite film: My wife Darya, a SAG member, taught me to never answer this question without first being specific to genre as it would be unfair to pick just one
Keys to success: Eat right, make exercise part of your lifestyle, work hard, and hope for the best.
Person you admire most (outside of family): People who are honest, amicable to others and of selfless humor.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? This is tough because there are so many things I'd like to try; professional snowboarder; color commentator for the NCAA tournament; a weatherman so I have an excuse to go outside in violent weather; an infinitely wealthy Wall Street guy - maybe I should have tried that one first.


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