Tools. Resources. Support. You have an ally at National Grid

March 20, 2014 - Construction Design & Engineering
Energy-efficient buildings mean more than highly specialized materials and innovative architectural, electrical and mechanical systems. Better buildings mean better business. At National Grid, we offer resources, rebates and services to help you reduce operating expenses, improve building performance and increase facility value.
From schools to healthcare facilities, new construction projects to retrofits, there's potential to lower you or your clients' energy costs and improve quality of life with energy efficiency. Our trade ally program connects energy professionals, architects, engineers, construction managers and contractors for HVAC, electrical and energy systems with energy-saving measures and tools.
We make it easy to discover valuable incentives for a range of projects and equipment, including: Lighting, electric motors, energy management systems, heating and cooling systems, insulation and air sealing, food service equipment and refrigeration, and water heating
Incentives include prescriptive and custom measures for both new construction projects and existing facilities, and can cover up to 75% of incremental labor and equipment costs. Custom incentives are based on the unique energy savings criteria of a project. We also offer calculation tools, educational services and design resources to help you take full advantage of energy efficiency opportunities.
When you think better building, think National Grid. For more information about energy-saving solutions, visit, email [email protected] or call 1-800-787-1706.


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