TransCanada donates $40,000 to the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund's Campaign for Opportunity

January 12, 2012 - Financial Digest
TransCanada Corp. (TransCanada) has donated $40,000 to the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund's Campaign for Opportunity, pushing the capital campaign closer to its $2.2-million goal.
The Campaign for Opportunity is raising "permanent capital" for the Community Loan Fund. Every dollar raised by the campaign goes directly into the Community Loan Fund's loan pool and will be used many times over to create and retain affordable housing, good jobs, quality child care and other community services in the state.
"TransCanada is proud to support the energy and commitment of the Campaign for Opportunity and the staff of the Community Loan Fund" said Cleve Kapala, director, government and public sector relations, TransCanada. "We recognize that these are hard times for many and the provision of housing, jobs and family support in this region is a priority that TransCanada shares with this organization."
When the Campaign for Opportunity hits its goal, the Ford Foundation and the Sandy River Charitable Foundation have pledged to contribute an additional combined $1.1 million.
The Community Loan Fund, a nonprofit based in Concord, NH, turns investments into loans and education that help people of modest means buy or preserve homes, grow their businesses and have access to quality child care. It has received numerous honors for its innovative programs, including the NEXT Award for Opportunity Finance, the highest honor in its field.
"We appreciate this grant from the TransCanada Corporation, and, of course, the matching funds from the Ford Foundation and the Sandy River Charitable Foundation," said Community Loan Fund president Juliana Eades. "They affirm and strengthen our commitment to strengthening New Hampshire's families and communities."


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