Tricia Bruno 2011

June 23, 2011 - Retail

Tricia Bruno, Tricia Bruno & Associates, Inc.

Name: Tricia Bruno
Title: President
Company: Tricia Bruno & Associates, Inc.
Location: 121 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass.
Place of birth: Bristol, R.I.
Family: Husband Kevin and son Walker
College: Providence College (BA), Simmons College (MA)
First job unrelated to your current field: Scudder
First job in current field: The Linley Group
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Marketing consulting for real estate industry.
Hobbies: Skiing, reading
Favorite book: "Angle of Repose" by Wallace Stegner
Favorite movie: "Sleepless in Seattle"
Key to success: Passion, vision, preparation
Person you most admire (outside of family): Eleanor Roosevelt
If you had to choose another vocation, what would it be? College professor


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