U.S. EPA administrator commends Fowler Printing for green initiative

August 20, 2008 - Front Section

Shown: Steve Brennan of Fowler Printing & Graphics inspects a printing job.

In a recent note to Steve Brennan, president of Fowler Printing & Graphics, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Stephen Johnson said, "EPA applauds our partners for protecting our environment by purchasing green power. By voluntarily shifting to renewable energy, Fowler Printing & Graphics is proving you don't need to wait for a signal in order to go green."
A few months ago, Brennan decided to buy wind credits equivalent to planting more than 160 acres of trees or not driving 500,000 miles. Under an arrangement with National Grid and a wind farm developer, during 2008 Fowler Printing will buy renewable energy (wind) credits equal to 100% of its annual energy use. The environmental benefit equates to offsetting 175 metric tons of carbon dioxide.
Fowler, now in its 45th year, is among just a few businesses south of Boston to be accepted in the EPA's Green Power Partners Program, and among the first printers in the region to become 100% wind powered. In addition, Fowler uses recycled paper, soy inks and water-based chemicals.
Brennan said, "By going green, we're reducing our carbon footprint, supporting the development of new, domestic renewable energy sources, and playing an important role in the security of America's energy supply. We're also making a statement to our customers and colleagues, hoping they'll follow our lead." He says customers are being asked to include conservation awareness logos and tag lines on their printed materials.
Through EPA's Green Power Partnership, about 950 organizations collectively buy over 14.3 billion kilowatt-hours of green power annually, equivalent to the amount of electricity needed to power 1.5 million average American homes for one year. Today, Partners are purchasing billions of kilowatt-hours (KWh) of green power annually -- equivalent to removing the emissions of hundreds of thousands of passenger cars from the road.

Fowler Printing is offering new customers 25% off their first "green order" through August.


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