Viking Construction earns market leader award from Energy Star

October 02, 2014 - Owners Developers & Managers
In recognition of building 58 energy-efficient homes in 2013, Viking Construction, Inc., has earned an Energy Star Certified Homes Market Leader Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Through its environmentally sound building practices and material choices,Viking has had the equivalent impact of eliminating the emissions from 21 vehicles, saving 105,270 lbs of coal, planting 81 acres of trees, and saving homeowners $17,400 on utility bills. Viking Construction is now listed on Energy Star's 2014 Market Leader Award Web page. To earn the Energy Star label, a home must meet strict EPA guidelines for energy efficiency that require an integrated approach to design combined with tried-and-true best building practices. These homes then undergo third-party verification of energy performance and are up to 30% more efficient than typical new homes built today.
Energy Star certified homes include value-adding energy efficiency features such as insulation systems, high performance windows, tight construction and ducts, properly-sized and installed efficient heating and cooling equipment, and energy-efficient lighting and appliances. These add up to better comfort, better durability, and reduced utility and maintenance costs for home owners.
Viking is a family-owned company of craftsmen. The company believes in personal involvement, quality control, and sound financial management. Its portfolio includes historic renovations, wastewater treatment facilities, pharmaceutical plants, churches, schools, assisted living facilities, office buildings, industrial manufacturing plants and large-scale affordable housing projects throughout Conn. and NY.
Products, homes and buildings that earn the Energy Star label prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency requirements set by the U.S. EPA. In 2013 alone, Americans, with the help of Energy Star, saved more than $30 billion on their utility bills and prevented greenhouse gas emissions equal to the annual electricity use from 38 million homes. Since 1992, the Energy Star program has supported efforts to find innovative solutions for reducing GHG emissions, and the Energy Star label can now be found on products in more than 70 different categories, with more than 4.8 billion sold over the past 21 years. Over 1.5 million new homes and 23,000 buildings and plants have earned the Energy Star label.


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