Wall to head up Broadway Renewable Strategies new business unit at Performance Solar

March 22, 2012 - Green Buildings

Carter Wall, Broadway Renewable Strategies

Jonathan Wienslaw, Broadway Renewable Strategies

Carter Wall has joined Broadway Renewable Strategies to head up a new business unit, Performance Solar. The new department will offer commercial solar owners strategies for optimizing revenue from their solar investment. Wall's responsibilities will include the design of new tools to help commercial solar owners maximize their income from solar operations, including performance monitoring and enhancement services and options for lowering remaining power supply costs.
"We are very pleased to have Carter join Broadway Renewable Strategies to help develop this new addition to the services that Broadway offers our customers," said Jonathan Wienslaw, president of Broadway Renewable Strategies. "Broadway is a recognized leader in the development of large commercial solar systems in the region, and with the addition of Performance Solar we will be able to continue to offer our solar customers effective strategies for managing their investment that make the most of current market conditions."
"There is a critical demand for customers to understand and utilize their investments in solar energy and I applaud Broadway for expanding their services and helping their clients and commercial solar owners to understand and optimize their solar assets and return on investments," said Wall "Companies make a big investment in solar, and they need active, real-time management to assure that their investment pays off. By integrating their solar property into their overall operating strategy, we can significantly increase their returns."
Wall has a long track record with both renewable energy and retail power supply. During her time as executive director of the Mass. Renewable Energy Trust (now part of the Mass. Clean Energy Center) she oversaw the transition of solar incentive programs to a market-based system, and managed the building of the state's tracking system for SREC reporting and production. Prior to joining MassCEC, she served as executive V.P. and COO of PowerOptions, Inc., was part of the Global Utilities Investment Banking group for Merrill Lynch, and managed Harvard University's divestiture of the MATEP power plant.
Wall has formerly served as chairman of the board of the Pinchot Institute for Conservation, is currently on the board of directors of The Future Face of American Energy and an active member of New England Women in Energy and Environment. For the past 20 years she has served as an evaluator of energy and environment programs for the Ash Institute's "Innovations in American Government" awards program. Wall holds an A.B. from Bryn Mawr College and an MPP from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.


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