Lynn, MA “Back to School” came early as Walsh Brothers, Inc. turned over the new, 182,000 s/f Thurgood Marshall Middle School two months ahead of schedule. This 4-story building on Brookline St. houses 1,100 students in 6th-8th grades. The new school features brick masonry and a glass front designed around a central entranceway. There are two wings housing classrooms and science labs. A gym and cafe share a mutual stage and can be used as an auditorium.
In addition to completing the construction ahead of schedule, Walsh Bros. maintained its record as an industry leader in project safety, reporting zero safety incidents. This is particularly notable for a $68 million, complex project that faced difficult weather conditions over the last 24 months. Expert planning by the Walsh Bros. team and the latest in technologies worked to eliminate any change orders during construction.
Other construction achievements include:
• LEED Silver certification
• Collaboration with multiple stakeholders
• Complex, state-of-the-art educational facility
• Constructed on a sensitive site adjacent to active MBTA tracks
• Constructed in the midst of a sensitive residential neighborhood
“This is a grand slam for Walsh Brothers,” said Richard Walsh, president and CEO of Walsh Bros.
“Our goal as a firm is to provide our clients with a foolproof building plan. Our experienced and brilliant team, well known for carefully dissecting building projects during the preconstruction phase, was able to eliminate any change orders, keep our team safe and deliver a quality project on budget and ahead of schedule. I am very proud of everyone who played a role in this great success.”
The project was completed in collaboration with the Mass. School Building Authority (MSBA), the city of Lynn, Joslin Lesser + Associates/NV5 and architect Raymond Design Associates.