Our city has had its share of success stories when it comes to signature projects that are redefining the economic future of East Providence, including several high profile mixed-use waterfront development projects and the recent completion of a number of commercial and industrial developments in the advanced manufacturing and medical offices categories. All of these projects play a vital role in building the local economy and contributing to job growth and a more stable tax base.
Recent decisions by the city’s Waterfront District Commission and the City Council to allow a seasonal concert venue on our waterfront at Bold Point Park, will play a dramatic role in energizing the waterfront’s planned entertainment district and act as a strong catalyst for additional economic investment in the entertainment and hospitality industries in the vicinity of the park. The three year lease agreement will allow Waterfront Productions LLC to partner with entertainment giant Live Nation to transform the Park, between the months of May and October, into an outdoor concert venue that will seat 3,500 and bring up to 30 concerts to Bold Point.
Speaking to the Boston based online music magazine Vanyaland, Waterfront Productions owner, president, and CEO Michele Maker Palmieri said, “The East Providence waterfront is a perfect location for a new seasonal event venue with stunning views of the Providence skyline, the Providence River and Narragansett Bay. It is very accessible from all points of the state, right off I-195….the city and residents of East Providence are invested in revitalizing the waterfront district and this development of a world class venue will help pollinate a thriving arts and culture community.”
Palmieri’s statement that this venue will help pollinate a thriving arts and culture community cannot be understated. The city believes and has embraced the idea that the area surrounding the I-195 corridor will be dramatically impacted by this exciting venue. The potential for creating a vibrant arts and cultural community in our city is now at hand and will play a strong role in promoting additional economic investment in East Providence and a higher quality of life for all residents of the city.
Business owners, developers and other parties who are interested in learning more about economic development initiatives in East Providence are urged to contact the city and visit the city’s website at www.eastprovidence.com or the city’s Waterfront District website at www.eastprovidencewaterfront.com.
James Moran is the economic planner for East Providence, R.I.