Wayne J. Griffin Electric, Inc. gives back to local communities

January 19, 2024 - Front Section

Holliston, MA Wayne J. Griffin Electric, Inc. (Griffin Electric) and its employees once again teamed up to participate in several charitable causes in order give back to its local communities this holiday season. A leading electrical and telecom subcontractor throughout New England and the Southeast, Griffin Electric is proud of its entire workforce, which collectively donated hundreds of toys and gifts to help families in need. The company also made donations to some of the many food pantries in the regions that it works. 

The New England team, as it has for many years, participated in the Holliston Pantry Shelf’s annual Mitten project, which called for employees to purchase specific gift requests for children in the area. The Holliston Pantry Shelf is operated by unpaid volunteers and has served the Holliston community since 1993, working to provide food and other supplies to residents in need. Griffin Electric has enjoyed the relationship it has developed with this organization through the years and always looks forward to helping them in their mission to serve others. 

The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program has been supported by Griffin’s Southeast regions for each of the past several years, and this holiday season was no different. The program has donated millions of toys over the years, and the company is proud to have played even a small part in helping this important cause have so much success. 

As the company looks back on 2023, it is reminded what a significant year it was, as it marked Griffin Electric’s 45th anniversary in the industry, as well as the 30th year of its in house Apprenticeship Training Program. The Griffin team recognizes that its surrounding communities have been an important part of its success through the years, and giving back to these communities and people is one small way that the company can show its appreciation. Griffin Electric is proud to employ a team that truly embodies the selfless and giving spirit, and is always so willing to contribute to these important charitable causes.



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