We're in it together - A northern perspective

January 03, 2013 - Owners Developers & Managers

Paul Garrett, Maine Properties, Inc.

As the first individual from Maine to be elected to the CAI New England Chapter Board of Directors, it is a distinct privilege and pleasure to serve as the 2013 chapter president. As I look ahead to the New Year, I would like to recount a series of incidents that occurred when I attended the CAI-NE Annual Condo Conference and Expo in Marlborough, MA on October 27th and that serve as both a metaphor and a model for my message - "We're in it Together."
At the conference, a hotel boiler malfunctioned sending water cascading over the registration area fifteen minutes prior to sign-in - an event that could have derailed the year's largest chapter-sponsored event - were it not for the quick response by chapter staff, committee members and volunteers including business partners and event attendees who made overtures to assist in any way possible. And, as the fire trucks and police cruisers rolled away, the day proceeded successfully.
That very same day, while staff and countless volunteers were managing details to ensure a successful expo, then chapter president Scott Wolf, a scheduled speaker at the conference, traveled to a neighboring state to address a group of more than 200 homeowners who came to the devastating realization that same week, that financial improprieties may have occurred in their more than 20 associations. Scott provided a number of CAI resources as well as advice as a professional manager to these homeowners seeking guidance in determining their next steps. And in true chapter spirit, Scott's speaking engagement at the conference was covered by other volunteers who were happy to assist, jumping in and preparing program materials at the last minute.
These incidents punctuate what I have learned about the Community Associations Institute (CAI) and specifically the New England chapter- this chapter has a solidly forged base, and we're in it together. It occurred to me that soggy morning that my role as chapter president has aspects which can be extrapolated from observing such lightning response, poise in unexpected circumstances, and an unprecedented level of professionalism - all measures that support and comprise the backbone of the essential industry tools the chapter provides on an ongoing basis to thousands of New England community association homeowner members, association managers and other industry professionals through education, networking and countless resources.
In 2013, as chapter president I look forward to achieving two goals. I will continue to build on chapter membership initiatives and continue to develop a greater awareness of the CAI brand throughout our chapter states of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont. My personal and professional goal over the past several years has been to encourage Maine community association volunteer leaders and association management companies alike to become an invested and integral part of CAI and the chapter. I will continue to cultivate that objective in my state as well as other chapter states and look forward to participating in various chapter state forums and events around New England, since we truly are "In it Together."

In the coming months, chapter volunteer leaders, staff and members will continue to work together to encourage even more multi-state participation, and continue to strengthen the organization - one individual homeowner and community at a time - the cornerstone and building blocks of our industry.

In my travels I look forward to meeting many of our members and industry leaders in the weeks ahead. Until then, wishing you a Happy New Year.

May your New Year be a year touched by personal happiness and professional growth.
Pete Garrett, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, is 2013 CAI-NE chapter president, and president and CEO of Maine Properties, Inc., Scarborough, Me.


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