What a year it has been! There are positive signs and NELTA is a great source for industry info.

June 18, 2008 - Front Section

Jim Fleming

What a year! Following a disastrous 2007 fourth quarter which saw historic losses in money and jobs, the economic and regulatory climates continue to worsen as class action lawsuits and economic conditions have worsened for the industry in particular and the economy in general. A reduction in interest rates and a corresponding increase in refinance activity have helped, but, by all accounts, the industry is facing at least another twelve to eighteen months of turmoil.
A positive sign - If you're reading this, you probably still have a job in the title business. Despite the massive job losses - losses which have prompted the governor of California to begin an initiative to help retrain mortgage professionals who have lost their jobs - and despite massive restructuring, the industry seems to be stabilizing and there are even reports that mortgage lenders and title professionals are seeing purchase activity. I haven't heard that any of them are hiring, but, then I haven't heard anybody complain about working overtime
If you're planning to stay in the business then you should remember that NELTA is your source for industry information. NELTA's goal is to help its members succeed in all environments by providing the educational tools necessary to help those members stay current with a business that has become fast paced, competitive and far more complicated that it ever was. So, please take advantage of these tools and encourage prospective members to do so by joining NELTA.
It has been my pleasure to serve and work with the members of NELTA for many years, and I appreciate the opportunity to serve as president, and wish Ruth Dillingham the best as she takes over this role at the upcoming convention.
Jim Fleming is the 2008 president of the New England Land Title Association and VP, regional mgr. & counsel of Title Resources Guaranty Co., Bedford, N.H.


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