What's going on at the conference?

October 15, 2008 - Green Buildings
Opening Plenary Speakers:
*Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peacce Laureate and social justice advocate
Closing Keynote Speakers:
*E.O. Wilson, University research professor Emeritus and honorary curator of entomology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
*Janine Benyus, co-founder and principal, Biomimicry Guild
Master Speakers:
*Paul Anastas, director, Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, Yale University
*Stefan Behnisch, principal, Behnisch, Behnisch & Partners
*Carol Browner, principal, The Albright Group, and former EPA administrator
*Majora Carter, executive director, Sustainable South Bronx
*Howard Frumkin, director, The National Center for Environmental Health, CDC
*Van Jones, president and founder, Green For All
*Bill McKibben, Environmentalist and Author
*Leith Sharp, director, Harvard Green Campus Initiative (HGCI)

A variety of workshops and educational sessions will be offered throughout the show related to green building, and for the first time, this year's selection of over 100 educational sessions will also include programs that have been approved through the USGBC Education Provider Program.
Green Building Basics and LEED
*Provides background on USGBC, LEED and why green buildings are important to reducing carbon and making an impact on climate change.
REGREEN Residential Remodeling Guidelines
*For residential remodeling professionals and homeowners interested in the new green remodeling guidelines developed through a partnership between USGBC & ASID.
Understanding LEED Project Costs and Returns
*For all audiences interested in learning more about building environmentally sound projects at a reason­able cost, building life-cycle and construction costs, and LEED project case studies.

Visit the Greenbuild Web site for an interactive and comprehensive listing of all on and off site educational sessions and master speakers: https://register.greenbuildexpo.org/scheduler/eventguide/publicScheduleByType.jsp


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