Why don't you belong to an appraiser's association?

November 04, 2010 - Spotlights

Gary Minnehan, MBREA and Affiliated Appraisal

Why don't you belong to an appraiser's association? Nationally and locally about 25% of the appraisers belong to a recognized professional appraiser organization. That means 75% of appraisers are unrepresented when it comes to lobbying and advocacy. I've heard the complaints that no one seems to be fighting for individual appraisers either in Washington or on Beacon Hill. It's not a surprise the loudest complainers are usually appraisers who do not support through membership any of the groups that could make a difference.
There are about 100,000 licensed or certified appraisers nationally and close to 3,000 in Massachusetts and MBREA has about 600 in its membership. We spend a fair amount of time effectively working with our state legislature and regulators. However, our effectiveness would be multiplied if our membership was 1,200 or higher. Same on the national platform - numbers make a difference.
Some ask why the bankers and real estate agents seem to get everything their way. One answer that cannot be ignored nor understated is the size of their associations. Locally, there are strong associations for bank, credit unions and real estate agents who count the vast majority of banks, credit unions and real estate agents in their membership.
You may think membership for you is wasted money or you might disagree with the positions an organization adopts on various issues. Maybe you think associations move too slowly or don't listen to individual members. I want you put these notions aside and consider reasons why membership is important. Your membership provides an association with greater strength in numbers. Your involvement in an association brings ideas and energy to the table. Your membership in an association tells others you are committed to high ethical standards and professional growth.
Here's what I would like to see you do. Research the different appraisal organizations and decide which may best represent you. A quick way to identify the different associations is to go to The Appraisal Foundation's website and click on the "Our Sponsors" link. You will find MBREA listed as the only state association that has been afforded the privilege of sponsorship. Once you decide upon an organization, join and look for opportunities to become involved.
Of course I believe MBREA is the best choice for appraisers located in Massachusetts and New England. We have a proud 77 year history of representing appraisers and we continue to expand both our footprint and mission to better serve the profession. Now is the perfect time to join as we conduct our "Fall into Savings" membership drive with substantial savings on the first year of membership. Go to mbrea.org and "Join MBREA" to download a membership application. Once you join drop me a note at [email protected] so I can look for you at a future meeting.

Gary Minnehan, RA, is the 2010 president of MBREA and president at Affiliated Appraisal, Abington, Mass.



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