Winter Street Architects designs eBay Phoenix project

February 17, 2011 - Construction Design & Engineering
Winter Street Architects, Inc. (WSA) of Salem, Mass. along with their partners, EDI, Ltd. and AHA Consulting Engineers have won a design contest to build a data center for eBay.
In August 2010, the team responded to an open RFP on the website. The Winter Street team submitted a proposal that focused on using simple building technologies to save energy costs and improve the sustainability of the data center. In addition to a combination of emerging green strategies, the concept also centered around the idea of "hot water cooling" to provide fresh air cooling year round.
The team was one of 37 submissions to the RFP process, and was identified as one of 6 finalists in September 2010.
Ebay's data center is on schedule to be completed this fall.
The Winter Street team members include Mark Meche, AIA, Annette Popp, AIA, LEED AP, Lindsay Howlett and Michael Fields.


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