Women in Real Estate: Barbara Pearce of Pearce Real Estate Company

June 18, 2015 - Connecticut

Barbara Pearce, Pearce Real Estate Company

Years with company/firm: 34 years - since 1981
Years in Field: 34 years
Years in Real Estate Industry: 34 years
Telephone: 203 281 9340
Email: [email protected]
URL: www.hpearce.com; www.hpearcecommercial.com
Real Estate Organizations/Affiliations: CTMLS - Board, Treasurer; GNHREB - Part chairman, Realtor of the Year; CT Real Estate Commission 1991- 1994
How do you use social media to promote yourself and/or the company/firm? I do a regular Blog and use social media outlets to promote testimonials and promotional videos. We're tried Twitter and Pinterest and we feed to a Company Facebook page. Our latest project is to integrate videos about our market and region onto our Website home page. We're attempting to give clients and potential clients an insider view of what it's like to live in Connecticut.
If you could choose one thing differently when you first started, what would it be? Wouldn't change a thing!
What advice would you give women just starting out in Commercial Real Estate? Work hard and use a combination of new and old technologies.
During the last 5 years of your career, which professional accomplishment, honor, or achievement has meant the most to you and why? The John H. Filer Award for Philanthropy from the Ct Council for Philanthropy because it's about a life, not a job.

When was the first time you realized that you were meant to be in the CRE Industry? When I answered a business questionnaire exactly as my father (who started H. Pearce Real Estate in 1958) did even though he and I were separated by 150 miles.
What are 3 words that describe your company atmosphere? Professional, collegial, family
When you think of the CRE Industry, what are 3 words that come to mind? Challenging, changing, creative
What are 3 things you will try doing or accomplishing in the next 10 years? To do all the things I'm doing now but at a slower pace!


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