Women in Real Estate: Sandi Siedel of C.A. White Inc.

June 18, 2015 - Connecticut

Sandi Siedel, C.A. White Inc.

Years with company/firm: 18 years
Years in field: 18 years
Years in Real Estate Industry: 18 years
Telephone: 203-777.6891
Email: [email protected]
URL: www.cawhite.com
Real Estate Organizations/Affiliations: IREM Current VP of the CT Chapter for 5 Years, president for 3 Years , secretary for 5 years
How do you use social media to promote yourself and/or the company/firm? Social media is something we are just getting into; we have a Facebook company page because it helps us find our company with Google searches.
If you could choose one thing differently when you first started, what would it be? Nothing! I'm proud to have received my CPM designation and to be with a company that supports my involvement in the organization and in the education that IREM offers.
What advice would you give women just starting out in Commercial Real Estate? Get involved in organizations and education early on. The education and business relationships are key to being successful. These relationships and connections will carry on with you personally and professionally.
During the last 5 years of your career, which professional accomplishment, honor, or achievement has meant the most to you and why? President of IREM CT Chapter for years 2009, 2010, 2011. As a chapter leader I had the reward of sitting on the National Education Board for IREM. The experience of meeting other property managers around the world and issues they are and have dealt with. These conversations have lead to helping all of us with different resolutions to ongoing management issues has been rewarding. The relationships and connections continue to grow me personally and professionally.
When was the first time you realized that you were meant to be in the CRE Industry? From day one, the changing day to day tasks that I run into keep me always learning.
What are 3 things you will try doing or accomplishing in the next 10 years? Family, Education, Support
When you think of the CRE Industry, what are 3 words that come to mind: Multi-tasking, Always learning , Ever-Changing
What are 3 things you will try doing or accomplishing in the next 10 years? I would like to continue with my CCIM designation. I have one out of the four classes completed.


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