Women in Real Estate: Zoe Belcher of HRP Associates

June 18, 2015 - Connecticut

Zoe Belcher, HRP Associates

Name: Zoe Belcher
Title: Project Manager
Company: HRP Associates, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Location: Farmington, CT
Birthplace and Year: Bronx, NY 1975
Your favorite quote or words to live by: Everything happens for a reason. You just might not know why yet, but you will someday.
What 5 words would you use to describe how you got to where you are now: Determination, patience, open-minded, driven, leadership
Your first job: Waitress
First job in the commercial industry: Project geologist at HRP
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: I am currently a project manager in the environmental consulting field, focused on Brownfields redevelopment. I would like to continue working with municipalities and private developers focused on remediating and redeveloping these blithed properties to create jobs, housing and a overall better community for our neighbors.
How do you unwind from a busy day at work: Spending time by the fire
What object can you not live without: My pedometer
Favorite movie or show: Flash Gordon/Supernatural
Favorite song and artist: There is no Arizona by Jamie O'Neal / Queen
If you knew then what you know now, what would you tell yourself: Strive to be a leader not a manager, be more diverse, read The Richest Man in Babylon

Are you affiliated with any organizations (If so, which ones?): Professional Women in Constructions, Environmental Professionals of Connecticut, Association of Environmental and Engineering Geoscientists, Phi Kappa Phi
Rules to live by in business: Seek advice from those who are where you want to be. Keep an open mind to what they have to say. Know that you will make mistakes, but you only fail if you have not learned a lesson from your mistakes.
Do you volunteer anywhere (If so, where?): University of Hartford and my local school district
What is your dream job: My ultimate dream would be to earn enough passive income that I wouldn't need a real job, and then I could donate my time to teaching geology to others.


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