2010 Census proves that organizations must be diverse

May 12, 2011 - Rhode Island

Richard Hitt, Phoenix Property Management

One thing that is confirmed by the 2010 census is that the United States has undergone, and is continuing to experience, sweeping demographic and social changes. These changes have brought new languages, cultures, values, and attitudes to the realities of leading business entities - both for profit and non-profit - to successful outcomes.

Organizations without diversity initiatives risk missed business opportunities, a diminished member or customer base, loss of market share, and a decrease in the ability to attract talented members.

In recognition of these changes and the impact on business and social communities, IREM National formed a Diversity Task Force in 2007 and subsequently beginning in 2008 appointed an on-going Diversity Advisory Board. The board monitors IREM's efforts to attract and welcome a diverse membership - with a focus on ethnic diversity - to IREM through career advancement, education, and certification, and make recommendations for IREM's diversity program.

IREM is no stranger to the diverse gathering of people that form our country and particularly our real estate management profession. In fact, IREM encourages diversity. We welcome individuals of all races, genders, creeds, ages, sexual orientations, national origins, and individuals with disabilities. Our organization strives to provide an equal opportunity environment among its members and friends.

Greater R.I. Chapter 88 past president Susan Monaghan is a member of the IREM National's Diversity Advisory Board representing our chapter's commitment to diversity of membership. Chapter 88 remains committed to the principles of diversity and remains as an organization of professional individuals who are leaders in their profession of property management. Our chapter joins the efforts of IREM National and we welcome individuals of all races, genders, creeds, ages, sexual orientations, national origins, and individuals with disabilities. Our organization strives to provide an equal opportunity environment among its members, vendors, and staff.

Our IREM chapter, one of 93 chapters worldwide, received high honors in IREM's Chapter Star Recognition Program. The chapter was recognized for a variety of initiatives it undertook in 2010. The Chapter Star Recognition Program recognizes IREM chapters for providing valuable member services and programs. The program awards points for specific activities based on criteria that define effective, successful chapters; some activities are required, others are elective. Then, based on total points earned, chapters can achieve one, two, three, four, or five star status. Greater R.I. Chapter achieved the highest recognition as a Five Star Chapter.

Richard Hitt, CPM, is a senior property manager with Phoenix Property Management Inc., Warwick and is the president of IREM-Greater R.I. Chapter No. 88, Providence.


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