2012 president's message: Looking back to look forward

January 05, 2012 - Owners Developers & Managers

Scott Wolf, Greater Boston Properties

As I think about the year ahead I have to reflect upon all the wonderful people and accomplishments that have occurred before now to bring about the creation and success of the CAI New England Chapter. Since being established in 1973 the strength of the chapter has been evident within the people and its membership.
In May of 2011, I traveled to Florida for the CAI national conference and met with other presidents-elect from chapters around the country. The greatest knowledge taken away from that meeting was how lucky we are to be members of the New England Chapter. I was proud to talk about our monthly magazine Condo Media, the great educational opportunities we offer, the strength of our many chapter committees and the Legislative Action Committees (LACs) ability to impact change. But most importantly it was being able to tell others about the support of all our members who volunteer. The New England Chapter is an organization of members who want to see continued improvement within our industry through education and are not afraid to volunteer their time to show this support.
As 2012 chapter president, my goals for the coming year are quite simple; I want to increase membership by further developing awareness of CAI New England and to that end I am taking on the initiative to better brand CAI New England in the market place through social media including facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more. Through greater awareness our membership will continue to grow and flourish; and awareness and growth are important to the continued strength and success of our organization.
I look forward to working with Chapter executive director, Claudette Carini and the wonderful staff over the next 12 months. Thank you to all the volunteers and members that have given so much to make the CAI New England Chapter the best chapter in the country. Happy New Year Everyone!
Scott Wolf, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, is the 2012 president of the New England chapter of CAI and owner of Greater Boston Properties, Boston.


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