DiCicco, Gulman & Company LLP
Years in real estate: 13
What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of: CREW Boston – former board of directors member & treasurer-NAIOP – Silver Gavel member
How do you play to your strengths to your advantage in your career: Nothing is more important in my career than the bonds and relationships I have formed with my clients over the years. Whether it’s getting results or being available for a face-to-face meeting, they know they can count on me. As a result, they think of me for opportunities too.
One client, who also works with other firms, has reached out to me during the early stages of a deal to give me the “inside scoop” on how our firm could get involved. She knows I will do whatever it takes to get the job done.
What trends are you seeing so far this year: Uncertainty. That may be a somewhat generic and common response, however, it is true. More specifically, we are seeing uncertainty with tax reform and how that may affect the way real estate professionals do business.
For instance, with a potential for lower tax rates, some owners are deferring sales of their assets to 2018 or beyond. Similarly, the speculation on what will happen with 1031 exchange rules and the taxation of carried interests has people trying to plan without the benefit of a crystal ball. One thing is for certain, if tax reform passes, the industry will react.
What do you do for fun: I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also love outdoor activities like hiking and kayaking.