2020 Women in Real Estate: Beth Goldstein, Real Estate Partner at Sherin and Lodgen LLP

September 25, 2020 - Spotlights
Beth Goldstein
Sherin and Lodgen LLP

How have you been networking during the lockdown? I have focused my attention on strengthening relationships with my existing clients and helping them make connections in the real estate and renewable energy space. The renewable energy industry in particular has continued to prosper, even during the pandemic, and I have been busy helping clients to refinance renewable energy debt, permit new projects, and make connections with other lenders and developers. With my leasing clients, I have assisted with repositioning assets and planning for the future given our new health and economic concerns.

What recent project or transaction are you most proud of? I’m proud of any project where I can help my clients accomplish their business goals. For many of our solar and battery storage clients, we are helping them navigate this area for the first time, particularly with state incentive programs like Massachusetts SMART or Vermont Group’s Net Metering Program. It’s exciting to be able to collaborate on these new areas while making an environmental impact through state and federal initiatives. 

What honor, achievement or recognition means the most to you and why? I was recently appointed chair of Sherin and Lodgen’s Renewable Energy Practice. As a historically strong and continuously growing area of the firm, it’s an honor to be trusted to take this practice into the next chapter as we further expand into wind, energy storage, and microgrid development alongside our established real estate practice.



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