2020 Women in Real Estate: Stephanie White, RLA, CNU-A, LEED AP, Landscape Architect and Project Manager at Fuss & O’Neill

September 25, 2020 - Spotlights
Stephanie White
Fuss & O’Neill

What aspects of working from home have you enjoyed most? Removing the commute from my daily routine has allowed me to introduce some self-care aspects and, most importantly, healthier eating habits into my morning routine. Prior to the pandemic, my mornings were a rush! Many times I would skip breakfast. I now start my day with a 20-minute mindfulness meditation and cook up a healthy, sit-down breakfast accompanied by a nutrient-packed smoothie. I love my mornings now!

What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from? When contemplating a college major and career, my father gave me this advice: “Love what you do and the money will come.” I can say for certain that he was right. Always follow your passion first. 

What recent project or transaction are you most proud of? I am honored to be part of the design team for the 101 College St. infill development project in New Haven, CT. A new 10-story bioscience lab and office tower with a public plaza sits above the former Rte. 34 expressway. As the lead landscape architects, our team developed the design for the 15,000 s/f plaza that sits above the underground parking garage and roadway tunnels. As excited as I am to see the plaza take shape, I am most humbled by the overarching project goals of reconnecting and transforming an entire neighborhood and bringing new jobs to the area.



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