2021 Ones to Watch: Emily Bozek, Project Manager, Haynes Group Inc.

May 28, 2021 - Spotlights

Which project, deal, or transaction was the “game-changer” in the advancement of your career? Sociedad Latina, a multi-faceted non-profit renovation in Boston. At the time I took on this project it felt impossible, and learning that nothing is impossible as long as you have the right team allowed me to have more confidence in myself.

How do you keep your team motivated despite conflicts and obstacles? Construction is conflicts and obstacles. Working as a team to attack those conflicts and obstacles mitigates one person taking on the weight of the problem. Working together to find a solution creates comradery and trust.

What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? This industry is full of opportunities. Find a company who wants to invest in your success and the possibilities are endless.

Who was/is your mentor and how did s/he influence/help you in your career? I have been lucky to have the opportunity to work with several team members who have mentored me. Each individual has pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and reach for what I think is impossible and make it a reality.



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