2021 Ones to Watch: Kara Goodwin, Senior Proposal Manager, DPS Group

May 28, 2021 - Spotlights

What led you to your current profession? After graduating from college, I was unsure about a career path. During my education I had several unfulfilling co-ops and internships. Shortly after graduating, I was offered an entry-level role in marketing at a construction management company. Although I initially hesitated, unsure about if it was the right path, I accepted and here I am still in the A/E/C industry over nine years later! During this time I’ve had the opportunity to work for several highly reputable companies in this industry where I developed valuable skill sets that contribute to my continued success as senior proposal manager at DPS.

Who was/is your mentor and how did s/he influence/help you in your career? I’m fortunate to have had numerous mentors these past nine years, all serving in different capacities. Each had a unique impact on my growth, ultimately helping build my confidence, knowledge, and network. I’m excited to leverage all I have learned from my mentors and contribute to DPS’ continued success in the life sciences sector and beyond. While mentorship isn’t “one size fits all” I believe it’s important to have people around you that play an active role your development; allies that want you to achieve your goals, and provide support and guidance to help you reach the next level.



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