2021 Women in Commercial Real Estate: Megan Kane, Job Captain, DJSA Architecture, PC

September 24, 2021 - Spotlights
Megan Kane
Job Captain
DJSA Architecture, PC

What led you to your current profession? Every building, whether new or old, is unique and has a story to tell. It’s our job to make sure it’s told. A few things inspired me to pursue my current profession. One, telling the story. Two, eliminating the cookie cutter, copy and paste buildings we see. The efficiency of building is understandable, but the individuality of the space gets lost. We are here to find it. Three, the process of figuring out the puzzle of construction, programming and design is exhilarating.

What are some of the benefits of being a mentor or having a mentor? I’ve been fortunate enough to work with my mentors for many years now, and seeing them grow as a leader and advance their career has been a privilege. The fun part of being a mentor, especially when it comes to a younger audience, is just seeing the spark of interest and excitement in their eyes when they piece something together, or figure out the next part of the puzzle. Getting the young interested in the trades, construction and architecture now will only help us in the future.

What is one characteristic that you believe every woman in commercial real estate should possess? One characteristic that every woman should possess, regardless of their field, is fearlessness. You will fail. It’s inevitable. But getting back up and trying again is where the magic happens. Be bold. Be brave. Speak up. Don’t be afraid to succeed.



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