2022 Ones to Watch: Marc Clerc, Owner at Clerc & Associates, P.C.

June 10, 2022 - Spotlights

What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of the relationships we build with our clients. We handled more than 75 mergers and acquisitions of businesses in this last year. Nearly all of these transactions include the sale and/or leasing of commercial real estate. I enjoy being able to coach our clients through this process, to help them understand each step along the way and to identify, plan and prepare for potential roadblocks before they threaten the deal. Most of our clients are experts in their individual field, but have never been through the process of selling something that has been a part of their lives for so long and means so much to them.

What does it take to succeed in your specific industry? I think a number of factors: experience, integrity, attention to detail, patience and organization skills, for starters. Having good people skills is also very important. Between clients, other attorneys, CPAs, business brokers, bankers and others there are many people involved in a merger or acquisition of a business and real estate - it’s important to be able to establish relationships and communicate effectively with everyone involved to ensure the best result for our clients.

What are the top 3 items on your bucket list?

  1. Traveling to Alaska
  2. Skiing in the Western United States

What are you doing when you aren’t working? I like outdoor activities, including skiing, boating, riding mountain and road bikes, and working outside.




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