What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? My greatest professional achievement in the last 12 months would be to assist in the growth of revenue by 102% as the only project coordinator and administrator. It taught me how important it is to adapt, prioritize, communicate and, most of all, be a valuable part of the team. Everyone has a strength that can be utilized towards the common goal!
Starting out in the construction business, who or what empowered you? Working with others who took the time to educate me was empowering. I was never afraid of not knowing the answers. As long as I asked the questions and paid attention to the answers, I could do it myself in no time at all.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? My advice to women entering the construction industry would be that there is nothing that he can do that you can’t and don’t ever let them tell you otherwise. If they say you can’t, your response should be “why not?” or “you mean I can’t do it…YET!” Then figure out how to do it.