What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? One of the most notable projects I would have to say would be The Abby Residence in Quincy, MA. One of the largest projects awarded to E Alves Cleaning Service.
When you’re not busy, what is your go to book or podcast to help you unwind? When I’m not busy I enjoy my latest book, Be An Awesome Boss!: The Four C’s Model to Leadership Success by Tim Burningham. This has really encouraged me to become more in tune with my clients & employees.
Starting out in the construction cleaning business, who or what empowered you? I empower myself. Coming from a Portuguese household as the oldest daughter of five, I was always responsible to help clean. So, when I realized I wanted to start a business what better one to initiate than what I was good at.
Within your firm, who has helped you succeed within the industry? How have they helped you? I couldn’t have come this far without my team whether in the office or out on the field. Working together as a team to come up with the best techniques and strategies to overcome any obstacle has been key.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction cleaning industry? After 25 years in the cleaning service industry, If I had to offer advice to anyone anyone thinking of starting a construction cleaning company to make sure to understand that the key to staying productive, efficient, and consistent is utilizing and keeping up to date with new cleaning techniques available to you, and to stay informed of the environmentally preferred cleaning products and equipment’s new to the market because for as long as commercial cleaning companies have been in business, cutting costs has been a concern. Like any other industry, the construction commercial and industrial cleaning industry is impacted by budget concerns. Budgets can limit a business, forcing them to do more with less. As cleaning becomes a luxury service that businesses feel they can cut back on, cleaning companies have to come together and continue to provide quality service in a competitive market.