What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? Last year we completed a 150,000 s/f project for PUMA in Somerville, MA. I was the lead accountant and it was such an important project for both our overall firm and myself personally from a professional standpoint. The entire project from start to finish was a great example of good team work – the team, client and subcontractors – so the end result was a success for all involved. An additional challenge was the integration of our new accounting and project management softwares, which also added to the sense of personal accomplishment.
Within your firm, who has helped you succeed within the industry? How have they helped you? Last year a major setback was when Timberline and the world lost Tim McManus. He was an outstanding person on so many levels and I felt this loss deeply. Tim was my go-to person for help inside and outside the company. When he joined Timberline, he was a tough nut to crack because our personalities were so similar – but over time trust was established and we always had each other’s backs. I miss him, our communication and drive to achieve mutual goals.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? Let being a woman in the business empower you. Construction is a male-dominated business so being the minority can actually give you more power. Stand your ground. Just because you are a woman doesn’t mean you don’t have a voice. Your voice is just as important as anyone in the room and don’t let anyone dismiss your thoughts.