Project Manager
ARCO National Construction – NE
What advice would you offer to women getting into the CRE industry?
My biggest piece of advice for women entering the CRE industry is to focus on learning more every day. Even seasoned professionals will tell you that they are constantly learning new things, and with knowledge comes respect. Continuing to add to your skill set and improve your abilities will boost your confidence and create new opportunities for you. Be assertive when necessary, and do not be afraid to state your opinions, ideas, and questions or ask for advice. If you have a mentor, take advantage of their knowledge and example, as well as their willingness to teach and support you.
Who is a woman leader you find to be inspiring and why?
I have always been very inspired by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was an extremely intelligent woman that thrived in the face of adversity her entire life. She was never deterred from reaching her goals and always fought for what she believed was right. She was brave, passionate, and extremely hardworking, but also thoughtful, compassionate, and honest. She never gave up on achieving any of her goals in life, and her persuasion and dedication to her work transformed opinions and advanced equality for generations of women.