Marcus & Millichap
Number of years at firm: 3
One thing on my bucket list: To go white water rafting and go to Africa on a safari.
When I am not working, I am: Trying to improve my golf game, which is still very much a work in progress, or you can find me spending time with my wife, friends and family.
What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? My client sold $15 million worth of apartment buildings in Connecticut and was seeking replacement properties. He needed to make a large 1031 purchase after the sale of an apartment building and was nearing the end of identification period. I partnered with another Marcus & Millichap agent, Mansour Group and was able to negotiate an excellent price for our client to purchase a BJ’s Wholesale Club in Bangor, ME. This helped my client avoid capital gain taxes and acquire a tenant with great credit.
What makes this nominee a RISING STAR?
“Brett’s first day was the first day of the COVID pandemic quarantine. Brett joined us with no prior real estate experience specializing in multi-tenant retail. Since that time, he has listed over $50 million worth of retail real estate and has closed over $40 million during his three-year tenure with the firm.” - Thomas Shihadeh, Vice President/Regional Manager at Marcus & Millichap