Project Manager
Lauring Construction
Number of years at firm: 15
One thing on my bucket list: Going to the final round of The Masters
When I am not working, I am: Spending time with my kids.
What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? Since 2006, Lauring Construction has worked with Nichols College, a private business school in Dudley, Mass., completing more than 20 projects. Recently, the company finished a seven-phase renovation of Lombard Dining Hall. This was a six-phase renovation of the existing dining hall. In addition to the interior renovations, new construction included an addition to the front main entrance and raising the roof structure by two stories to create an atrium-like space with a cathedral ceiling. We were able to keep the dining hall open for business every day of the school year throughout the four-and-a-half-year project.
What makes this nominee a RISING STAR?
“Dan has an excellent understanding of all aspects of construction and was recently made an owner of the company. In addition to project management, he handles estimates, schedules projects, and directs our carpentry crews on projects. His knowledge and attention to detail are crucial to the success of Lauring Construction.” - John Lauring, President at Lauring Construction