Ruberto, Israel & Weiner, P.C.
Number of years at firm: 4
One thing on my bucket list: Learn to speak another language.
When I am not working, I am: Reading, solving crossword puzzles, or spending time with my wife and dog.
What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? RIW recently represented a client applying for local approvals to construct a 150kw ground mounted solar array. Initially, I assisted with researching and drafting letters to the planning board arguing the applicability of M.G.L. Ch. 40A, Section 3, and related precedent from recent decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court and the Land Court and preparing an application to the zoning board of appeals. The matter required multiple appearances before both the planning board and the zoning board and, together with the client’s engineer, I had the opportunity to successfully present the application for zoning relief and site plan approval before both boards.
What makes this nominee a RISING STAR?
“Michael J. Barone, Jr. is quickly establishing himself as a rising star in the field of commercial real estate. Over the past year, he has made significant contributions to RIW’s zoning and land use practice, including several mixed-use developments throughout Greater Boston. Mike’s expertise allows him to offer creative solutions to complex legal challenges faced by the firm’s development clients.” - Michael Rosen, Chair, Commercial Real Estate Group at Ruberto, Israel & Weiner, P.C