2023 Women in CRE: Colleen Fonseca, Builders of Color Coalition

September 29, 2023 - Spotlights
Colleen Fonseca
Executive Director
Builders of Color Coalition 

What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of? In the spring of 2023, we announced the launch of a two-year research and analytics study, the call-to-action today for 10 - 12 developers of color to form a taskforce, the hiring of a research manager to oversee it all. On May 8th, 2023, the mayors of Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Salem and Lynn signed the Commonwealth pact, promising to establish a Diversity, Equality and Inclusion criteria for project bids in their respective cities.

Who inspires you most? What qualities do they possess that inspire you? Natalie Lopes, my mentor. Natalie constantly exemplified remarkable leadership with clarity, positivity, collaboration skills, and a talent for inspiring others.

Why should this nominee be recognized in our Women in Commercial Real Estate Spotlight? 

“Colleen’s passion for bringing the industry’s best together, aligning with her mission of creating fairness for people of color wanting to get involved in real estate is unique. Her work has made an impact and will continue to do so as she brings DEI to forefront of the real estate industry. “ - Zach Galasso, Partner at DPA Communications.

What are the most important factors women in your industry should consider when choosing a firm to build their career with? Evaluate the firm’s growth strategy and leadership. Consider leader diversity and choose those you admire and want to learn from.



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