2023 Women in CRE: Kristen Konieczny, Cresa Boston

September 29, 2023 - Spotlights
Kristen Konieczny
Vice President, Consulting
Cresa Boston

What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of? I’ve made some major transitions in the last year, taking on a new position leading Cresa’s consulting team and becoming a new parent. I’m proud of the way I’ve managed these simultaneous milestones, and that I’m showing up consistently for both my family and my clients. It hasn’t been perfect, but I’m confident in both realms, loving my new “mom life” while still hitting our team deadlines and pursuing and winning new work.

Who inspires you most? What qualities do they possess that inspire you? As a new parent, I deeply admire people who manage parenthood and work with poise. I’m fortunate to have people in my personal and professional life who have modeled ‘giving it all’ both at home and at work, and I am always in awe of those who do it well. 

Why should this nominee be recognized in our Women in Commercial Real Estate Spotlight? “Kristen is so deserving of this recognition, and she is indeed ‘one to watch’ in the Boston CRE realm. A strategist at heart, Kristen consistently delivers game-changing financial and labor analytics and real estate insights for our clients while leading the team with empathy and a steady hand. “ - Vicki Keenan, Managing Principal at Cresa Boston.

What are the most important factors women in your industry should consider when choosing a firm to build their career with? Finding the right people is critical. We must build a foundation of comfort and trust with our colleagues to do our best work together. Growing a team that challenges and inspires me professionally but is also mindful that we all have commitments outside of the office makes the work experience more human and connected.



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