2024 Ones to Watch - Rising Stars: Joanna Manfro, Matthews R.E. Investment Services

June 28, 2024 - Spotlights
Joanna Manfro 
Vice President 
Matthews R.E. Investment Services


“Joanna has an incredible depth of experience that allows her to understand the big picture goals of a transaction while maintaining absolute attention to detail. It’s a skill set that is incredibly valuable to clients and is only honed with years of experience across billions of dollars of deals. By coming from the principal side, she understands what it means to own real estate, so she can seamlessly and simultaneously understand the points of view of all the stakeholders in a deal.” - Matthew Wallace, Market Leader and National Director of Shopping Centers, Matthews Real Estate Investment Services.

In the last 12 months what accomplishment are you most proud of? In the past year, I’ve made a successful transition from the principal side to brokerage, in first few months having already secured the sale of a highly coveted $45.5 million shopping center in Westport, CT, and currently have three additional deals under contract. Making the leap to brokerage allowed me to leverage my experience in a new and rewarding way. It’s been incredibly rewarding to see my momentum continue and thrive in this competitive landscape filled with experienced brokers.

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? It’s a juggling act: Balancing a demanding career with family life is an ongoing challenge. However, I have managed to close significant and complex deals while still trying to make as many drop-offs and pick-ups at school for my kids. I try to prioritize that piece as often as possible because I believe it is an important part of their day. Like many successful professionals, particularly mothers, achieving perfect balance feels like an elusive goal. Inevitably, there will be times when work or family needs take priority. Accept that things won’t always be perfectly balanced. When you miss something, strive to make it up later. By dedicating quality time and effort in both areas, you can create a fulfilling and successful life.

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? My parents instilled the values that fuel my fire. Their lessons on perseverance, the value of hard work, and the importance of striving for excellence are deeply ingrained in me. They taught me to be happy with my accomplishments but also to always push myself to reach new heights. Now, with my own family supporting me, I have an even stronger motivation to keep growing. Their understanding and encouragement allow me to dedicate myself to my goals, which fuels my desire to continue providing for them. 

Outside of your career, where else do you seek continuous learning and personal growth? I believe in constantly challenging myself mentally and physically by staying current on events and advancements across various disciplines. This not only broadens my perspective but also allows me to explore how my expertise might translate to other markets. Also, I am passionate about giving back by mentoring and sharing my knowledge and experiences to help the next generation navigate the industry’s complexities. At the same time, their fresh perspective allows me to see things through a new lens, understanding them as future consumers in our ever-evolving field. 



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