2024 Ones to Watch - Rising Stars: Peter Nowak, Groom Construction, Co., Inc.

June 28, 2024 - Spotlights
Peter Nowak
Project Manager
Groom Construction, Co., Inc.


“Peter is an exemplary project manager known for his professionalism, excellent work ethic and eagerness to learn. His commitment and exceptional communication skills make him an asset to our company and the construction industry. Peter’s dedication and teamwork consistently contribute to our success.” - Graeme Poole, Senior Vice President at Groom Construction, Co., Inc.

In the last 12 months what accomplishment are you most proud of? Balancing a growing family, with my youngest born last July, alongside a new job and managing multiple projects has been challenging yet rewarding. It demands careful time management, prioritization, and adaptability to new responsibilities at home and work. Each day brings unique demands and opportunities. Despite the hectic schedule, the joy of watching my children grow and achieving professional milestones makes it all worthwhile.

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? I balance my rising career with my personal life by carving out dedicated time and establishing routines. This approach ensures I am fully present during family moments and maximize quality time outside of work. 

By setting clear boundaries, prioritizing tasks, and staying organized, I can effectively manage professional responsibilities while cherishing and nurturing my family life. This balance enhances my overall well-being and performance in both areas.



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