2024 Ones to Watch - Rising Stars: Kyle Lambert, Groom Construction, Co., Inc.

June 28, 2024 - Spotlights
Kyle Lambert
Project Manager
Groom Construction, Co., Inc.


“Kyle excels in retail construction, expertly managing multiple projects simultaneously. His ability to coordinate numerous moving parts and ensure seamless execution makes him an invaluable asset to any project. Kyle’s meticulous attention to detail and dedication highlight his exceptional skills as a project manager.” - Scott Faulkner, Principal at Groom Construction, Co., Inc.

In the last 12 months what accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of being entirely self-taught, despite having no formal education or background in business – only in construction. Sixteen years ago, I began my journey as an hourly worker, often putting in 60-hour weeks, working both days and nights. Throughout my career, I have consistently strived for excellence in every job I undertake.

How do you balance your rising career with your personal life? I am fortunate to have a supportive family who backs my career in every way. My wife and three children adore and look up to me. I work hard to provide them with the best life possible, whether it’s coaching basketball games on Monday nights after work or attending dance practices with my daughters. On weekends, I cherish the time we spend together as a family.

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? Firstly, I’d like to thank Groom Construction for the opportunities and advancement within the company. I am grateful to my mentors in the construction field, particularly my uncle and stepdad, for their positive influence. A special thanks to Scott Faulkner and Ed Camara for believing in me, and to the Groom employees for their support. Lastly, I thank my wife and family for their unwavering support, helping me reach where I am today.



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