General Manager
B.C. Tent & Awning Co., Inc.
What is one project or achievement in your career that you are most proud of, and how did it impact your organization or community? I was first hired as a receptionist, but I’ve worked my way up at BC Tent & Awning to be the general manager. During this time, I feel like I’ve greatly advanced the technological capabilities of the company. Originally we did drawings on paper or using Microsoft products. Over the years, I’ve been able to implement and perfect our CAD layout program so that, along with PowerPoint, clients get a much clearer picture of how their site or event will look.
What trends or innovations do you believe will shape the future of your field, and how are you positioning yourself (or your firm) to be at the forefront? For our company, we see manufacturers trying to lead the trends in terms of different styles of tents, but for many of our clients – both for weddings and corporate events – they are influenced by the trends they see on social media. We are currently updating our website so that it’s more user-friendly, and clients can pick and choose what they see and like for their designs. Additionally, we’re expanding our presence on social media to help guide our clients to these trends, and advise them on specific ones.
What’s your favorite way to recharge or get inspired outside of work? Spending time with my husband and dogs - they always make me feel better and know when I need a hug.