26 new members: More members, more clout!

May 16, 2013 - Construction Design & Engineering

Thomas Descoteaux, Chairman ABC - Massachusetts

Thanks to great work by eight teams of ABC members and our staff membership team of Ken Ledwak and Dave Murphy, I'm proud to say that last month's membership drive has thus far netted 26 new members. It's always great to see members coming together, whether it's for the drive or to work on a job.
For years, a sign reading "More members, more clout" has hung in ABC's offices and the message is right on. Growing the membership is what gives us the ability to fight for the merit shop philosophy of free and open competition. Construction unions have almost limitless money, but the open shop has more than 80% of the Massachusetts construction workforce. Whereas unions deploy an army of lobbyists on Beacon Hill, our strength is in going to a legislator's office with a member whose company is an employer in that legislator's district.
While we're excited about 26 members, our work is hardly done. You no doubt work with other companies who should become ABC members. Please tell them about the organization, the many networking opportunities we provide and our tireless advocacy on behalf of the open shop.
I also ask that you make our new members feel welcome, make an effort to get to know them and urge them to become active in the organization. Active members who take advantage of all ABC has to offer are more likely to remain members, and they are our best ambassadors to those who should become part of our organization.
Thank you to all of you who worked to make last month's membership drive so successful. Now let's go out and build on that momentum.
Tom Descoteaux is the chairman of the Mass. Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors, Woburn, Mass.


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