45 Province awarded Gold Medal by Building of America Award

December 01, 2010 - Owners Developers & Managers

45 Province - Boston, MA

45 Province, developed by The Abbey Group and built by Suffolk Construction Company, was recently selected as a Building of America Award project and will be a featured Gold Medal Winner on the home page at www.buildingofamerica.com. The Building of America Network showcases the most innovative, unique and challenging new projects. These projects are particularly noteworthy and/or give back to their respective communities.
One of the project goals was to create a development that reflected the true charm of old Boston and of this historic neighborhood, formerly known as Governor's Alley. This is evident in the exterior terracotta finishes of the building. As part of the development, the project also transformed the streetscape, restoring the roadway, adding new sidewalks, plantings and lanterns. Also a plaque was dedicated adjacent to the building to recognize all of the governors of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, marking the historical significance of the Governors Alley neighborhood and providing residents and tourists with historical information.
"The 45 Province project presented many significant challenges to the team, including its tight site located in the heart of one of the city's most visited tourist areas. The success of this project is a tribute to the Abbey Group, architect Bruner Cott & Associates, the subcontractors and building trades, surrounding businesses and neighbors, and the Suffolk management team. Despite the many challenges on the 45 Province project, our cohesive team was able to deliver this impressive building through strong teamwork, close collaboration, and an unwavering commitment to quality," said Anthony Crugnale, project executive, Suffolk Construction.
Since 1996, Construction Communications and the Building of America Network have featured the country's top projects as determined by our editorial board. The case studies are read and referenced by leaders within the region's local governments, economic development groups, financial institutions, owners, architects and contractors. The website, accessed by industry leaders and decision makers throughout the country, combines more than 50,000 links and millions of searches each year.
45 Province is a 32-story high-rise situated at the foot of Beacon Hill and within a short distance to the city's financial district and the Boston Common. The development, featuring 137-units of residential housing and retail space.
"We are very proud to receive this honor from the Building of America Network," said Abbey Group president and COO David Epstein. "This award means a great deal to us because it is given out by our peers and it praises the innovativeness and uniqueness that make 45 Province Boston's premier destination for luxury city living."
With the inherent challenges on the dense urban construction site, Suffolk's preconstruction planning was critical to getting the job out of the ground so quickly. The restricted deep hole site has no lay down area, challenging logistics and a number of abutting businesses that had to maintain everyday operations throughout construction.
45 Province is a full-service building that offers an Exhale spa, exclusively for residents, a four season pool, spa treatment room and fitness studio.

The Abbey Group is a Boston-based real estate company founded in 1968. From its early years redeveloping urban Boston historic buildings into luxury residences and high quality offices, the firm has evolved into a prominent force in real estate and resort development. The Abbey Group has developed over 100 buildings used for commercial, retail, residential laboratory and parking uses including the Landmark Center, Lafayette Corporate Center, Landmark Square Apartments and St. Germain Street Apartments. In 2003, The Abbey Group became Co-owners of the fabled Boston Celtics, bringing a lifetime love and enthusiasm for the team to the partnership.


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