About the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC-NE)

July 23, 2008 - Green Buildings
Environmental Business Council of New England, Inc. (EBC) is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to enhance business and job growth of both established and emerging environmental and energy businesses.  The EBC works to achieve a sustainable environment, to shape the future of the industry, to grow the economy, and to advance the competitiveness and growth of the New England environmental and energy industry. Founded in 1990, EBC was the first organization in the United States established to support and foster the development of the environmental industry.  Through our state chapters and committees we provide member companies with an array of programs, activities, and information to enable them to stay on the cutting edge of environmental and energy technologies, management and regulatory developments. EBC's membership includes engineering and consulting firms, energy companies, solid and hazardous waste management companies, remedial and emergency response contractors, professional services, analytical testing laboratories, investment firms, and lending, financial, educational institutions, and equipment manufacturers.


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