Andrew Deluski 2013

February 07, 2013 - Rhode Island

Andrew Deluski, Bank RI

Name: Andrew Deluski
Title: Senior Business Lender, VP
Company: Bank RI
Location: Providence, RI
Place of birth: Framingham, MA
Family: Wife - Colleen; Two sons - Evan 16 years old and Sean - 9 years old
College: University of Rhode Island, BS and Assumption College, MBA
First job unrelated to your current field: Paperboy
First job in current field: Shawmut Bank
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Bank RI is a full-service commercial bank and our mission is to be the premier bank in the communities we serve.
Hobbies: Sports - golf, football and hockey and walking my two Australian Sheppards - Smokey and Bandit
Favorite film: "Miracle on Ice"
Keys to success: Under promise in expectations and strive to over deliver in results
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family) My first two bosses at Shawmut Bank, they took the time to educate and guide me from considering my work "a job" to focusing on it as "a career."
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Hockey scout


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