Colin Kane 2013

February 07, 2013 - Rhode Island

Colin Kane, Peregrine Group LLC

Name: Colin Kane
Title: Principal
Company: Peregrine Group LLC
Location: Rumford, RI and Boston, MA
Place of birth: Providence, RI
Family: Karen (wife), John (Tulane freshman), Hope (H.S. junior)
College: US Naval Academy, Georgetown (MA), Harvard Business School (MBA)
First job unrelated to your current field: Naval officer stationed aboard a destroyer
First job in current field: Development manager, Gilbane Properties
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Continue to grow our three lines of business both geographically and in scale: Owner's project management, property management, and selective acquisition and development projects. It's exciting to be doing deals again after a stressful 2008-2011.
Hobbies: Golf
Favorite novel: Any Horatio Hornblower
Favorite film: "Citizen Kane." Actually I have never seen it, but have a cool old movie poster of Orson Welles in my office.
Keys to success: The support of my family and my partners - I have been fortunate to be surrounded by amazing (and tolerant!) teammates at home and at work.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family) Company co-founder and partner, Jordan Stone
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Heineken sales rep


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