Anthi Frangiadis 2009

October 20, 2009 - Green Buildings

Anthi Frangiadis, AIA, AICD

Name: Anthi Frangiadis, AIA, AICD
Title: Principle
Company: Archit 8
Location: Onset, Mass.
Place of Birth: Greece
College: Rhode Island School of Design
First Job Unrelated to your current field: Bus person at Hotel Hershey.
First job in current field: Gilbert Architects
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: We are architects and planners with a passion for creating sustainable long term investments in the physical built environment; for developing solutions that benefit multiple entities; for forging long standing relationships with our clients. We focus on delivering high quality service to our clients by applying our creative and technical problem solving skills with our ability to listen, see and strategize.
What is the biggest green change you would like to see happen in your industry over the next 10 years: Would like to see Job Site Construction move towards 100% recycling for job site debris
Keys to Success: Hard work, determination and never giving up on your dreams
Person(s) You Most Admire (outside of family):Santiago Calatrava - architect engineer
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: I do not think I would ever choose a different career path.


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