Dr. Blair Ellyn Reich 2009

October 20, 2009 - Green Buildings

Dr. Jesse Ellyn Reich

Name: Dr. Blair Ellyn Reich
Title: CEO
Company: Baystate Biofuels, Location: Andover Mass.
Place of Birth: Worcester, Mass., 1979
Family: Married with our first baby on the way (it's a girl).
College: Bates College, Texas A&M
First Job unrelated to your current field: Camp Counselor
First Job in current field: Inorganic Chemist
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: Baystate Biofuels wholesales and retails pure biodiesel as well as biodiesel blends for use as conventional on road diesel and home heating oil. We're working on getting biodiesel production up and running in Massachusetts.
What is the biggest green change you would like to see happen in your industry over the next 10 years: I'd like to see all of the heating oil industry switch to B20, which is a mixture of 20% biodiesel and 80% ultra low sulfur diesel that emits less pollutants than natural gas.
Person(s) You Most Admire (outside of family): Izzy Lowell, one of my best friends since freshman year of high school. She's dependable, solid as a rock, smart, beautiful, and manages incredibly difficult situations with grace and strength.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: I like being a professor.


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