ASIS-Boston: Chairperson's Message

November 19, 2007 - Owners Developers & Managers

Eleonora Tumbiolo

I hope you were able to join us at the October 18th Networking and Awards Night at the Casa di Fior. It was a great opportunity to get re-acquainted with friends and colleagues.
First, I would like to congratulate Robert Michalski, CPP on winning the 2007 Sheldon E. Goodman Award as well as receiving a recognition award for his dedication to the Boston Chapter CPP Review for the past 25 years.
Next, the Boston Chapter gave out over $30,000 for the Manning Scholarship Fund. Congratulations to the following recipients: Henry DiCarlo; Robert Michalski; Michael Guilfoy; Mark Beaudry; Meaghan O'Hara; Katherine O'Hara; Kara Jean Pydnkowski; Kyle Pydnkowski; Justin Snow; Timothy Snow; Georgia Talcott; Hunter Talcott; Ashleigh Talcott; Chelsea Talcott; Ryder Talcott; Peter Brzezinski; Leanne Avery; Matthew Kulesz; Meagan Kulesz; James Sproul; Matthew Sproul; Beacon Hospice; Sue Weaver Cause
The close of the evening brought nominations of the 2008 board of directors. Nominating committee co-chairs, Marty Patnaude, George Guilfoy, and David Spector conducted the process and resulting nominations for your 2008 board are:
*Chapter chair - Phil Stewart
*Vice chair - Michael Chovanes
*Treasurer - James Healey
*Secretary - Tom Smith
All nominations were made and accepted from the floor. As none of the nominees have an opposing nominee, all will be elected officially with installation slated for our January meeting.
Please mark your calendar for the following upcoming events:
*November 15th Lunch Meeting: Location: State Street Corp-One Lincoln St. Boston; Speaker: Det. Lt. John McLean, N.E.M.L.E.C Computer Crime Unit
Visit our website at for more information on all upcoming events.

I would really like to thank the over 20 members of our Boston chapter executive team for all their hard work and dedication. It is through their combined volunteer efforts that our Chapter continues to have fresh ideas, strong programs and growth.

Eleonora Tumbiolo is chapter chairperson of the Boston Chapter of ASIS International and district manager for AlliedBarton Security Services.


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